Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweet Lottie and Fam!

This was an early morning session out at Cloverbottom. So far, the season hadn't been too hot and I expected this 8:30am session to be nice and cool, but boy was it a hot one! Wow! May 22-23 turned out to be the hottest weekend of 2010 - HA! I was melting, but I was behind the camera, so that wasn't so important. Little miss Lottie was holding her own, but mommy and daddy work working to fight the sweat - whew! But it was worth it - Lottie was easy and gave me some pretty smiles.

Lottie's puppy Clara was also present, but didn't quite make it into any pictures.... she wasn't exactly into the session - running around was more her preference! Then she got hot and wanted to rest in the truck!

It was fun to meet the three of you! Click here to view their slideshow.