Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Davis Anniversary!

I was priviledged to be a part of this 50th celebration a few Saturdays ago. What a special day for the love these two shared. I really enjoyed spending time with the family and friends that gathered for the big event. Many congratulations for your 50 years together!

Here are the moments from their special day: http://www.kvpslideshows.info/davis50yrs/

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cindy, Michael, Jadyn, and Marcus

This was SUCH a fun evening out at Cloverbottom..... I just love spending time with this family! We worried about the weather for this session, but it turned out great! I love shooting just before sunset.

Jadyn is so pretty and reminds me so much of my own daughter.... and Marcus is just cuddly and sweet.

Thanks, Cindy, for spending time with me again. I love it when my work makes such neat, new friends!

Here is their time at Cloverbottom: http://www.kvpslideshows.info/cindysept/

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby Hadden has arrived!

I loved spending time with this family - and meeting their brand new handsome boy! I'll be posting images of Hadden throughout the year - I wonder how much he will change? He's as precious as can be right now, but once you throw in a head of hair and a personality, Hadden will surely look different to us a year from now! I'm looking forward to watching him grow.

Here is Hadden's session on a rainy day at home: http://www.kvpslideshows.info/haddennewborn/

Katie is one!

It has been really fun to watch this little one "grow up" this year..... those pretty dark curls weren't there when we started this journey one year ago!!!

We did this session out at Cloverbottom.... I just love that spot so much! It was nice to be out there with no distractions and spend this time with Katie. She did a great job..... although, I suspect that part of the time she was laghing AT mommy and me acting like fools to get her attention - we might have even embarrassed her with our antics! But we got some pretty smiles out of it. :)

Here is her one-year session: http://www.kvpslideshows.info/katie1yr/

Sweet Baby Aiden!

It was so nice to meet this sweetie. He put up with all our silly poses, wardrobe changes, and craziness for a LONG time! I think maybe he liked me! HA!

I was very impressed at how long this little one stayed pleasant at just 3 months old. I'm looking forward to spending more time with him soon.

Here are images from our time together: http://www.kvpslideshows.info/aiden3mo/

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Baby Lily is one!

I will certainly miss capturing images of this princess every three months! But I'm sure she'll make some appearances here from time to time....

Beautiful Lily is now one..... and her slideshow co-stars sister and mommy.

Here is our fun day with Lily capturing "ONE": http://www.kvpslideshows.info/lily1yr/