Sunday, January 10, 2010

Henley - 9 months!

So..... my new year's resolution is to catch up on my blog!!! Since I started posting teaser images for clients on Facebook, I kinda neglected my blog - I'm so ashamed!!!

This week, if the ice melts and school is back in session, I should have some good work days and I'll catch up on my blog and post all the sessions I've left off..... but since I just finished Baby Henley's 9-mo session, I thought I'd go ahead and share them and then post backwards from here.

I got to go to Henley's house the week after Christmas to capture some moments and see how big she is at 9 months! She's on the move and ready to be a big girl!

Here are her sweet images:

This Spring, she'll turn one - I'm looking forward to that session, already - isn't she beautiful!?!?